

Meandering thoughts………..



The Beep of the Thermometer

The beep of the thermometer

From different parts of the house

Including mine, every few hours

Makes me race for the BP apparatus.

Did you check your O2 my dear?

I ask , the heart stops a second

when someone’s reads 97.

Walk around and check your O2

becomes the Tarak Mantra,

The pulse rate of mine soars to the sky

or mops the floor at times.

Eat well, drink well

however, my friends

my stomach has gone on a holiday and

my tongue refuses to taste.

Rest is what you need

Experts say , while my hubby

Every alternate day keeps running to the hospital

Either to admit his mum

Or to discharge her

Or take the children and me one at a time

to the fever clinic(excluding his visit)

What rest? I say

Luckily my bro found a cab that ferried Covid patients.

Did my worry end? no!!!!!

How would I isolate my Covid family

Since MIL is also back home?

Whom to isolate? whom to room together?

We are on the path to recovery,

says my hubby,

I still reach out ti my thermometer

As at 4 PM sharp, my temp raises to 99

And subsides on its own, in turn raising my paulse rate.

Its all in your mind they say

My demon, I bear

Where true friends and family rally around

to show they care.

Tom and Jerry, silly dog antics, music, Lee Min Ho and deep breathing

Came to the rescue

While my daughter conspires to hide

my thermometer and oximeter

I stumble along

waiting for the day to hug my family.


Daily Prompt: Protest

via Daily Prompt: Protest


Let me be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not disturb my slumber in the very bowels of the Supreme mother. I nestle in the core and am older than anything that is breathing in this Earth. Do not let your greedy sweaty arms, with your prickly instruments of torture, to pry me from the warm womb where I have been cradling in the arms of Morpheus for thousands of years.

Let me be!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may be malleable, nonetheless I abhor the pummeling your young hands inflict on my ancient form .Beaten, forged, shaped, molded to your fancy, so that I, the ancient element can adorn your interim flesh, which is marching towards the day to its merger with ashes and dust.

Let me be Man, for I am GOLD.


A plantation Resort

Its 4.45 ,the alarm rings you cant even bang it on the head any more as the traditional alarms have given way to sleek mobiles. You do the next best thing; you snooze it to go to the land Morpheus, alas the  mobile chimes again. Dredge up from the bottom of your soul the energy to get up……and start the day on wheels….different utensils and cookers on all the four stoves….gulp down something on the go……breakfast on the table by 6.45….lunch boxes packed by 6.55 for all the four of us…rush into the wash room for a quick bath…..step out by 7.oo in time to wave bye to hubby…grab a quick bite…..comb daughters hair….drag the kicking and screaming son to oil and comb his unruly hair…flick the comb through my locks once……gather the bags and the children by 7.15 and off to school. (phew…….)

well it does not end there, while the kids make their way to their respective classes I too make my way to my class( I am a Montessori directress). Take a breath out side to calm myself before stepping into face 34 boisterous six to nine years old and the next round of craziness starts…….you look up at the time…its 3.30 …..time to go home. Gather the children ,board the car…..come home quickly set the house right…… take a quick 30 minutes break….start dinner… the work out… children in their studies….dinner…clean kitchen….read for them……. and finally fall down in the bed after 10.30 exhausted. Morpheus is ready to take you into his world and the next instant the alarm whines.

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

William Henry Davies

I visited Fruitsnbeans, a mountain resort a couple of weeks back.

“What a joy it is to feel the soft, springy earth under my feet once more,    
to follow grassy roads that lead to ferny brooks    
where I can bathe my fingers in a cataract of rippling notes,    
or to clamber over a stone wall into green fields that    
tumble and roll and climb in riotous gladness!  “

Helen Keller

An  inviting cozy place in the Palani hills. It is situated inside the coffee estate where the owners have converted their homestead into the comfort zone for weary souls. Its helmed by a delightful host and the staff’s motto is, to please you. I have travelled to many places and in all the places that I have stayed, the guests are always treated well. What makes it different here is that the personal touch, its like staying in your grandma’s place. The feeling of belonging but at the same time its a place to chill. Right from the host to the last member of the staff, we were looked after like the apple of their eyes.

Though the stream that runs through had dried leaving behind puddles, it was a little haven of nature. You can go for walks around the estate observing the workers carrying on with their day of plucking peeper corn from the trees or pruning the trees. I was lucky as our delightful host took us around for a walk around the estate sharing with us stories about how the idea for a resort blossomed. There was a story about every tree that he had grown.

Oh forgot to tell you, if you are an avid bird watcher then this is the place to go. Being an avid bird watcher , our host could point out the local birds that were chirping around(For the life of me I couldn’t see anything the first time he pointed. By the time I figured out where he was pointing out they flew away…. After a few trials and errors I did manage to spot of few with the help of my hubby ,who in turn is a birder himself!!!!) I can list out a few names though I might not able to identify them again…the trogon which they said was a bird you see once in a blue moon. There were other varieties too, the thrush, blue fairy bird, wagtails, hoopoes, raptors, nut thatch, leaf birds and many more. You can sit near the stream and watch them take bath in the glorious water.  There are wild bison too and my hubby had a close encounter with one at 2 in the morning outside our window, he scarred the living day lights off it when he took the camera to take a picture.

It does not stop there , our friendly host made it a point to take us around his pick up truck to a couple of places to watch out for birds. I do not know about the birds but it was so dense that it felt like I was taking a walk in the tropical forest while an orchestra of cicadas performed all around.

It’s a place of tranquility away from the rush. Its a place to get up early not because you have a schedule to keep up but to enjoy the mist and the cold air by taking a walk. Its a place to walk not with a purpose but to enjoy nature and one another’s company having meaningful conversations. Its a place to sit outside curled up with book not to be completely engrossed in it, but to look up now and then to drink in nature. Its a place to rewind with your companion not only to enjoy silence but to share laughter. Its  a place for birders, for walkers, for nature lovers, for lovers. Its romance not in the traditional sense of roses and candle light dinners but walking, sharing and smiling.


Its a place that can revive you.


Why I Love Bahubali…..

Well as I said earlier I am a movie buff….and I fell in love with the movie Bahubali….Well as they say Love is blind even though I know that there are loop holes in the movie and its a proper commercial film I love it. Instead of Prabhas imagine MGR( Yester year Hero), and Instead of Rana imagine M.N.Nambiar(The best villain of Tamil movie Industry)…Voila! you have the traditional story of a son taking revenge for his father’s untimely death, but, I love Bahubali…..

My better half cannot understand the fascination I have for this movie…nor many of my good friends(they give me a weird look). Once a very good friend of mine asked me, “What is that you like to read?”, and I replied, “Adventure, thrill, Romance, fantasy……” and his irritated reply was, “Grow up!!!!!!!!!!  🙂   Though I read a variety of genres today, I still like the above mentioned rasas in my books and movies. I cry at movies when its a tragedy or to put in a nut shell I enjoy a well made movie that makes me enjoy the romance, fight or comedy.

Let me list a few my all time favorite movies……. I call them as my favorite because, some of the movies,even after so many years haunt me.

  1. Mouna Raagam(Tamil)
  2. Kadhalikka Neramillai
  3. Anand(Hindi)
  4. Aradhana( Hindi 1969)
  5. Khamoshi(1969)
  6. Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
  7. Empire of the Sun
  8. Life is Beautiful
  9. Pokkiri(Telugu)
  10. Bangalore Days(Malayalam)
  11. Bahubali.Bahubali

That does not mean I am blind to the loop holes in the movies, I am well aware of it however choose to over look it. I do not go to the cinemas to find logic, we have enough of it in our lives.

Here  it goes …the loop holes that I saw in the movie

  1. When Prabhas runs up to the waterfalls after he traces the heroine’s face in mud(with the help of the mask that fell down the falls) he runs bare hand. HE DOES NOT CARRY THE MASK WITH HIM. It is clearly seen the song that follows, he falls a billion of times and no where could he have safeguarded the mask on him.
  2. He climbs up to the place in the waterfalls,where he fell down the first time, when he is introduced, he was drenched in water the first time but the second time around he is not.
  3. When the heroine attacks him while he is trying to warm himself, he is talking to the mask. Where did it come from?
  4. The heroine attacks him, he leaves the mask behind and they are shown rolling down to the place where they sing a duet. He beautifies her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(If only it was that simple in real life!), all of a sudden the mask appears in his hand.
  5. While The evil King invites the soldiers to his chambers to find out who uttered the name of Bahubali in his statue revealing ceremony, Prabhas is shown getting in the room without a spear and shield however when he volunteers to speak to the king he has one in his hand.

I am sure there are many more missing links like this like any other movie. In spite of these odds I love this movie.

  1. Amazing Graphics: When Prabhas jumps of the waterfalls, we know that its is not real but you want him to make that leap anyways and succeed. The palm trees under the Huge elephants in the Kingdom…..amazing war scene, though it reminds you of a few other movies……I let myself be mesmerized. We have never seen such mind blowing grpahics in Indian Cinema before.
  2. The Music: The music was awesome…….especially the lingam song and Dheevara song….I keep humming some of the songs ..the theme song that keeps playing at the background is such an integral part of the movie.
  3. The Cast: What an mazing do not see the actors but the characters they portray only…Ramyakrishnan..Nasser…..Prabhas…Rana..Satyaraj
  4. Story Line: Time tested saga of betrayal and revenge.Its got all the elements that is needed for a good entertainer………..Romance…..courage…valor…trust……..betrayal…….humor……angst what more you need…
  5. Rana: While watching the movie I was always in the dilemma….do I ogle Prabhas or Rana. He oozed out evil by the way he looked and smiled. A hero is defined by the villain, unless there is a strong villain the heroism of the protagonist cannot be showcased properly.
  6. Prabhas: Last but not the least one more reason why I fell in love with this movie is Prabhas. Be it the playful Shivudu or the charming Amerandra Bahubali he rocked. I have seen a lot of his movies before Bahubali and to say that this movie is his career best will not be an exaggeration. As the loveable son, charming Prince, courageous warrior, fearless leader and seductive lover , he captivated me( Well his amazing Physique helped…)

Whenever I go gaga over this movie my daughter rolls her eyes at me…..(as I am sure some of you would too!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 )






A Movie

I like going to the cinema

stares my family at me-an enigma

I love the out of life heroes

who leave my heart  in a throe

sometimes wonder about the female lead

more of a decorative piece instead

feed me  with vendetta

the protagonist pouncing like a cheetah

feed me with romance

that floors you with a glance

feed me with tragedy

I will wallow in misery

feed me with comedy

I will forget my anxiety

the smell of melted butter on popcorn

I wait for the next movie forlorn

I am great fan

of movies in my short life span…..









My Friend……


When an old friend comes knocking

spring  sun breaks through the thundering clouds

ambrosia for the dried parched soul

When an old friend embraces you

its a haunting lullaby that rocks you

its swathed in old quilt in front of blazing fire during cold winter

When an old friend converses with you

its soothing music to the battered soul

When an old friend comes visiting

its time to rejoice with you my mithr…….

Mithr…..FriendMy friend




My Pain…my Pleasure

You are my pain

My pleasure

You are my curse

My salvation

My hope

You are the cross I bear

My gift

You are my despairMy Pain my pleasure

My desire

You are my want

Are you my need?



Mahab 1MAhab 2The back waters at Mahabalipuram or Mammalapuram the coastal town of the Pallavas……as seen from the light house.

 Mahab 4Molten sun sparkles

embracing his beloved

silky surf at dusk



Meandering through-

the journey began wittearsh hope

dried down to a trickle

promises forgotten, shackled to duty

so many forks the beginning forgotten

hand in hand with loneliness she plodded

reprieve in the form of wild wind

a mirage of oasis

the road stretches ahead

meandering to the destination unseen

through the window of my heart

trickled out my soul

while loneliness kept vigil



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