

Meandering thoughts………..


Broken promises

Drowning in silence

Drowning in silence

 neither desired nor golden

burden  I carry


Difference of Opinion…..

While I need you to partner me

you want nothing but to dominate

While I seek pleasure in pain

You believe pain is pleasure

While I yearn to walk with you

you want to walk ahead

While I believe in togetherness

you believe in being on your own

while I believe in everything

you believe in nothing….


Renewed Hope


ruins 1The magnificent ruin

bespoke of dreams shattered

the broken walls

echoing the broken spirit

the shattered window panes

standing witness to the shattered dreams

life once glorified

nothing but a shell with empty promises

where there is death, life valiantly fighting

through the scorched earth

a tendril of life



Broken Promises

The Shadow lurking around

promises comfort

temptations, pleasures unimaginable

light of love banished it beyond

leaving behind hope

broken promises haunt

sweet melody..


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