

Meandering thoughts………..

The Beep of the Thermometer

The beep of the thermometer

From different parts of the house

Including mine, every few hours

Makes me race for the BP apparatus.

Did you check your O2 my dear?

I ask , the heart stops a second

when someone’s reads 97.

Walk around and check your O2

becomes the Tarak Mantra,

The pulse rate of mine soars to the sky

or mops the floor at times.

Eat well, drink well

however, my friends

my stomach has gone on a holiday and

my tongue refuses to taste.

Rest is what you need

Experts say , while my hubby

Every alternate day keeps running to the hospital

Either to admit his mum

Or to discharge her

Or take the children and me one at a time

to the fever clinic(excluding his visit)

What rest? I say

Luckily my bro found a cab that ferried Covid patients.

Did my worry end? no!!!!!

How would I isolate my Covid family

Since MIL is also back home?

Whom to isolate? whom to room together?

We are on the path to recovery,

says my hubby,

I still reach out ti my thermometer

As at 4 PM sharp, my temp raises to 99

And subsides on its own, in turn raising my paulse rate.

Its all in your mind they say

My demon, I bear

Where true friends and family rally around

to show they care.

Tom and Jerry, silly dog antics, music, Lee Min Ho and deep breathing

Came to the rescue

While my daughter conspires to hide

my thermometer and oximeter

I stumble along

waiting for the day to hug my family.


My Demon

The demon rose within
As the moon waxed and waned
The life that couldnt be, bracing
To be gutted scrapped and dispensed
The hell hound wrecking havoc,
happiness sucked out
despair to reign over
Pleas of help unheard
The spirit crushed,abandoned.
The creation incomplete ,expelled.
Weary and patching up having lost
A liitle bit more of my essence
Gear up to battle the demon again
As the moon waxes and wanes.

The voice from afar

The voice from afar

yet you speak to me heart

You light up the screen

while warming my heart

when there is no reason to smile

you bring a smile to my lips

when there is no reason to hope

you are the dawn in the horizon

When no one believes in me

you make me want to believe in me

the voice from afar…



Make Love

Cherish me as the wind does the leaves
Love me as the waves does the shore
Hug me as the dew does the flower
Kiss me as the sun does the dew
Kindle the fire in me
Before you devour me


A Kiss

The warmth of his palms
cradled her face
The gentle pressure of his lips on hers
Soothed and fired her soul
That was chilled to the bones



The void devoured me from within,

the bottomless chasm,

precious glitters nor meaningless action 

-the vacuum prevailed,

smile , you healed the rift





A Call from beyond the grave….

I was startled out of my reprieve when I heard my father answering the phone. With happiness and pain I listened to the conversation he had with my brother. What an oxymoron!!!!!!!!!

My heart swelled with pain and my eyes brimmed over with tears, which ran down my cheeks to find solace somewhere. Be still my heart  and focus my darting eyes that are in search for him who is no more. 

My daughter hugged me while I cried over the recording of my dad’s conversation with my brother. 

An accidental recording, an accidental discovery threw light on my apparent attempts at coping with the loss.


Five Stages of Denial

When you experience loss, people say you’ll move through the 5 stages of grief….
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
….. What they don’t tell you is that you’ll cycle through them all every day.”
― Ranata Suzuki


Deinal 1


Everyone who came into this world experience the loss of a loved ones in their lives. Some experience it early on, some later however there is no escape from the clutches of death that robs a loved one from us.

I lost my dad, larger than life persona, my philosopher and Guide a few months back and still am going through these stages of grieving.

A friend said, go through the process , let go of yourself in it, then you will heal. Will I ever?

He was sick for six months before he left us bereft. He was not bed ridden, though he was hospitalized often as his liver gave up on him, he was active till the last day. HE got admitted one morning , the next morning everything was over.

The specialists used marvel at his will power, with three hospitalizations within six months, the first one extending almost to twenty days never once did he say,”Why me?” . He might have been upset or depressed , but never once let his cheer down.

After his last hospitalization the specialist said,” when you admitted him the first time, his life expectancy was only 6 months, but I am amazed at his will power,lets prepare him for a liver transplant and he will be with us for some more years.”

He left us fifteen to twenty days after those words.(Thank God he did not hear those words).

People who cared said, “At least, he did not suffer”

“You need to be strong for your mom and your children”

“He wouldn’t like to see you cry”

“He is in a better place”


He was my dad, my hero…….

He left a vacuum in my life that cannot be filled by anything else. His memories will live forever in our hearts however they are not the replacements for him. They are nothing but shadow of a vibrant man.

DENIAL: When he was in the ICU battling for his life, when the doctors told us the fact that he was slipping away from us, I kept telling everyone,”My dad has amazing will power. HE will pull through this. ” I was in denial. When the last rites were being performed, it was surrealistic. I expected him to get up and say,” Don’t worry my dear”. How will I go on without him? Very decision of mine was always taken after consulting with him. Any issues that I faced, he was my spring board. How will go on ?

ANGER: I was angry at everyone and everything including my father. Who gave him the right to ditch us and go? Why did he smoke? Why did he have that extra drink sometimes? What right people had to say that .”this too shall pass” I did not want it to pass. What right people had to say that I have to stop remembering him and move on.

BARGAINING: So many what ifs? May be we did not catch on the symptoms? If only we had noticed his lack of appetite sooner? If only we were worried about his weight gain? If only I had visited him more? So many what Ifs? What if…what if…what if…..

DEPRESSION: If you have not experienced depression no one can explain the helplessness, despondency and the loneliness. Nothing had meaning in life, the career, husband ,children friends or hobbies. NOTHING!!!!!! I was and am in so much pain…… and no one noticed me sinking in pain.

The said stages … cannot be experienced in a linear fashion. I slip in and out of it…….

ACCEPTANCE: I haven’t reached there yet…

I am that person who says”Coz my daddy said……..”

Love you dad….





The Dark Pit

The dark mist clung to her skin

she clawed through her soul to outcast it

only to fail

sinkhole of hatred,anger and despair

dragged her to the bottomless pit of despair

weighed down by expectations fair and illogical

Cry of help unheard and abandoned

surrendered she to the darkness

with anger and loathing keeping her company

while love fought a lone battle

to cast the thundering blackness out.




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