

Meandering thoughts………..



The Beep of the Thermometer

The beep of the thermometer

From different parts of the house

Including mine, every few hours

Makes me race for the BP apparatus.

Did you check your O2 my dear?

I ask , the heart stops a second

when someone’s reads 97.

Walk around and check your O2

becomes the Tarak Mantra,

The pulse rate of mine soars to the sky

or mops the floor at times.

Eat well, drink well

however, my friends

my stomach has gone on a holiday and

my tongue refuses to taste.

Rest is what you need

Experts say , while my hubby

Every alternate day keeps running to the hospital

Either to admit his mum

Or to discharge her

Or take the children and me one at a time

to the fever clinic(excluding his visit)

What rest? I say

Luckily my bro found a cab that ferried Covid patients.

Did my worry end? no!!!!!

How would I isolate my Covid family

Since MIL is also back home?

Whom to isolate? whom to room together?

We are on the path to recovery,

says my hubby,

I still reach out ti my thermometer

As at 4 PM sharp, my temp raises to 99

And subsides on its own, in turn raising my paulse rate.

Its all in your mind they say

My demon, I bear

Where true friends and family rally around

to show they care.

Tom and Jerry, silly dog antics, music, Lee Min Ho and deep breathing

Came to the rescue

While my daughter conspires to hide

my thermometer and oximeter

I stumble along

waiting for the day to hug my family.


The voice from afar

The voice from afar

yet you speak to me heart

You light up the screen

while warming my heart

when there is no reason to smile

you bring a smile to my lips

when there is no reason to hope

you are the dawn in the horizon

When no one believes in me

you make me want to believe in me

the voice from afar…




The pain ripped her apart

soul shredded to pieces

fragments too minute to put together

flickering hope snuffed

yet another search futile

pain radiating through every pore

anguish trickled tears

gathering her tattered soul

she yet again rose up

defying life as it yet again

tried to vanquish her


Renewed Hope


ruins 1The magnificent ruin

bespoke of dreams shattered

the broken walls

echoing the broken spirit

the shattered window panes

standing witness to the shattered dreams

life once glorified

nothing but a shell with empty promises

where there is death, life valiantly fighting

through the scorched earth

a tendril of life



Deepam 1Deepam 2Deepam 3Deepam 4Radiance fills dark

chasing cobwebs of the mind

hope infuses soul….


Wish I could

scamper  up a tree again

wish I could

plunge  into a puddle

wish I could

twirl around silly

wish I could

chat through the night with friends

wish I could 

curl up to sleep ignoring the alarm

wish I could 

receive flowers everyday

wish I could 

inherit my children’s pain

wish I could 

live my dreams

wish I could 

hold on to my daughter’s innocence

wish I could have

remained my father’s daughter!!!!!!!!!!





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